SWAP YOUR TEAS to Reduce the Accumulation of Plastic in Your Body.

5 min readApr 10, 2022

Plastic in teabags?! STILL?!?

Unfortunately yes, billions of micro and nanoparticles PER CUP!

Q: Why focus on swapping tea bags when many foods have plastic particles?

A: “…particles released from the teabag are several orders of magnitude higher than plastic loads previously reported in other foods”(1)


  • Tea drinkers are exposed multiple times throughout the day.
  • The SIMPLE Self Care Swap offers mega benefits for your entire body.

Food-grade Plastic used in teabags can cause damage to the endocrine system- linked to weight gain, cancer, digestive system issues… (2)(3)(4)(8)

In September 2019, researchers at McGill University found that a single one of these tea bags releases more than 11 billion microplastic and 3 billion nanoplastic particles when steeped in boiling water. (2) (bold and color added)

These billions of micro and nano-plastic particles are entering your body with each cup of tea.

It is known that micro and nanoparticles are causing damage to the human body. (5) (6) (7) (8)

When the market won’t keep us safe then it’s up to us to protect ourselves and our family.

Moving to PLASTIC ‘FREE’ TEA is an amazingly SIMPLE Self Care swap that’ll provide HUGE cumulative benefits for your body.




The Simple Self Care Lifestyle. Essential health ideas, tips, tools & products that help you fit self-care into your busy life! thesimpleselfcarelifestyle.com